Soft Trauma Inserts

Removable trauma plate inserts provide the officer with additional impact protection over the heart and vital organs area of their center chest.   Trauma Plates also offer extra impact protection from non-traditional puncture threats such as steering wheel columns and jagged metal items from vehicular accidents, buckshot, other shrapnel and blunt weapon strikes.

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Threat Testing

Tested to reduce blunt force trauma when used with any of our Ballistic Packages


Model Designation:               Soft Trauma Insert

Certification Standard:        None – Tested “In House”

Threat Level:                           Trauma Reduction

Category:                                  Trauma Plates

Thickness:                                .25 Inches 

Plate Construction:               Ballistic Materials

Soft Trauma Plate Spec Sheet

Sizes & Weights

6″ x 8″          8″ x 10″          10″ x 12″

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